Sunday, March 28, 2010

Andrea's Punishment

About a month ago Andrea was caught lying to her Mommy and Auntie. She was saying things about when she was a boy. I had warned her many times that it was not funny or appropriate for a little girl to lie. Especially since I know of no little girl who would make up lies of that type. Andrea knows she was born on June 15, 2001 and has fond memories of growing up as my darling daughter. She remembers her 5th birthday party when we went to the zoo with her girlfriends. She does enjoy talking about that.

Ms Casey and I decided that Andrea would be a very small baby for the weekend to teach her a lesson. She was put in a baby dress and diapers. (Doesn't she look adorable in her dress and bonnet?) She was fed baby food and drank warm milk from bottles. Most of the time she would have a pacifier in the mouth. She was not allowed to say anything but baby gibberish. She also had a baby sitter for the weekend. She was given lots of food and liquids which forced her to make in her diapers. You can be sure Andrea was totally humiliated by having women change her diapers.

Andrea spent the weekend mostly in bed or on the floor playing with baby toys and making baby sounds. She learned what being completely helpless is all about. She admitted that she hated every minute of this punishment. Andrea told me that what she missed the most was her pretty dresses. Isn't that adorable and sweet?

But, in order to be sure she does not ever misbehave again I am starting to organize a nursery for a baby girl. The next time she misbehaves she will be a baby for a week (at least). Here are photos of the baby crib and high chair that I plan to order for her.

Since her punishment she has been the best little girl a Mommy could ever have. She listens and obeys. There is nothing she will not do for her Mommy and Auntie. She loves her life as an 8 year old girl (she tells me that often). The threat of being a baby brings her to tears.


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